All services are done either over the phone or remotely by proxy. Either method works equally well!
New Client 15 minute phone consultation…complimentary
Body Code session…$90*
Package of 3 sessions…$240*
*(+ Tax)
Pre-purchased 3-pack sessions can be used (by purchaser, non-transferable) at any time up to 12 months from date of purchase however no refunds will be made in the event of the session(s) not being used.
Payments for sessions must be paid for 48 hours in advance of the session. I will send you a PayPal link to your email and you may pay with a credit card or your PayPal account. (You do not have to have a PayPal account)
A pain-less, drug-free, holistic solution to chronic pain and illness is waiting for you…
[email protected]
Zita DiMeo, Mba, CECP, CBCP
(858) 848-4303